Wie kommt man auf den Namen Lützenkirchen?
Eigentlich ganz einfach, indem man so heisst.
Tobias Lützenkirchen, ein Name der vielen Szene-Leuten weltweit schon seit geraumer
Zeit ein Begriff ist, glänzt auch im zweiten Jahr nach seinem 2005er Debut auf Great Stuff.
Stetig wächst seine Fan-Base und ebenso die stilistische Bandbreite und
Qualität seiner Produktionen.
Mittlerweile als Produzent aus der elektronischen Musik, Dank seines unglaublich vielfältigen
und dennoch so eigenen Stils (was sowohl Releases als auch Remixes angeht)
nicht mehr wegzudenken, spielte er sich innerhalb eines Jahres (!) als DJ
in die Oberliga der Elektro-DJs.
Er war der erste Great Stuff Artist, der in Japan spielen durfte, hat schon zwei
Braslien-Touren hinter sich, spielte sowohl auf der Rave on Snow, als auch
auf der Loveparade (Wagen als auch zwei Clubs), dem renommierten
"Universo Parallelo", spielt von Ost nach West, wie z.B. in Mexico, Hong-Kong,
in der Schweiz, Polen, Schweden und nun mittlerweile auch so gut wie jeden
Monat in London. Unter anderem Gigs in hoch angesehenen Clubs wie dem Herbal,
dem Keys Club oder dem Turnmills und trotzdem jagt eine Top-Produktion die Andere.
Wie macht er das? Seine simple Antwort auf diese Frage: "In dem man es lebt."
Seiner Aussage nach wird er solange elektronische Musik machen, bis er tot umfällt.
(Was wir innerhalb der nächsten Decaden nicht hoffen wollen)
Die Namen für oder mit denen er arbeitete, lesen sich wie die Creme de la Creme
des internationalen Elektro.(unter anderem Meat Katie, John Digweed, John Aquaviva, etc)
Das "Lütze" schon seit einer Weile mit Mr. Tomcraft zusammenarbeitet,
ist auch längst kein Geheimnis mehr.
Mit jenem gründete er jüngst das Tech-House Projekt "LützenCraft", was vom Namen
her schon zum schmunzeln anregt, es aber genau auf den Punkt bringt.
Nun hat Tobias Lützenkirchen auch entgültig seine eigene Labelplattform
"Tabula Raza" gegründet (zusammen mit Systematic-Chef Marc Romboy) und
sein nächstes Projekt ist das Münchener Nachwuchslabel "Platform B Recordings",
was sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat Szeneaktive DJs und
Produzenten aus der Region zu fördern.
Wenn man den enormen Level bezuglich Output, als auch Qualität betrachtet,
ist es längst nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis Tobias Lützenkirchen ein
Level erreicht, welches vielen anderen Produzenten und DJs der Elektro-Szene
vor allem in bzw. aus Deutschland, immer verschlossen sein wird.
Official Great Stuff Bio 2007 (in German)
Tobias Lützenkirchen (short facts/bio taken from his myspace site 2007
- since he started spinning the decks one and a half years ago he played all over the world
including hong kong, japan, middle and south america, skandinavia, the uk, across
whole europe, the eastern countries and russia.
- his remixes, same as his own productions remain top level quality. even with his unbelievable output.
and even getting more and more attention in the electronic scene in every country of the world.
- he is one of the very few guys in the scene that is able to produce and deliver top-notch tracks
in virtually every aspect of style in todays electronic music.
- he himself is straight techno from the bottom of his heart. No phun intended.
Music for the Girls (Great Stuff)

- music for the girls (original)
- music for the girls (deepgroove dirty house rmx)
- music for the girls (huggotron rmx)
- the core (original)
Huge plays by Satoshi Tomiie, Christopher Just, X-Press 2, Mike Monday, Shlomi Aber, Chus, Andrea Doria…. The unstoppable Lützenkirchen this time showing his typical german elektronic roots (which obviously is Kraftwerk). His feeling for the right synth and atmosphere is simply unbelievable. John Dahlbäck (under his Huggotron disguise) and great british dj/producer-duo Deepgroove both deliver amazing peak time elektro house rockers with style. And again the bonus track >The Core< is a pure instrumental techhouse tune, showing the incredible diversity of Mr. Lützenkirchen
Releases & Timeline 1992-2006
The earlier Releases. ;)
Because it is such a lot of work, to keep track of all releases and write
them all down into the release list, I decided to put the beatport players
inside here insted of the whole release list and just inserted the list of the
old website in here (which ends at summer 2006).
This is more fun anyways,cause you can listen that way to some
snippets of the tracks.
Of course some releases are missing (the ones that aren´t released
on beatport) but shouldn´t be much and mostly the old ones and/or
with other a.k.a.s.
You can also find more information of Lützes a.k.a.s
and releases here: www.discogs.com
Release List until 2006
productions and engineering before solo productions (1999-2004) are not completly
listed here.
Most important coproductions and engineering stuff were works for the trance projects
kosmonova, interactive, paffendorf, mythos & watergate and luna park, which mostly
were sales charts records.
Songwriting & (Studio-) vocalist for several projects/jobs including releases on labels
like Coconut/BMG, Blow Up/Intercord, Cauldron and Dos or die.
Because it is such a lot of work, to keep track of all releases and write
them all down into the release list, I decided to put the beatport players
inside here insted of the whole release list and just inserted the list of the
old website in here (which ends at summer 2006).
This is more fun anyways,cause you can listen that way to some
snippets of the tracks.
Of course some releases are missing (the ones that aren´t released
on beatport) but shouldn´t be much and mostly the old ones and/or
with other a.k.a.s.
You can also find more information of Lützes a.k.a.s
and releases here: www.discogs.com
Release List until 2006
- Lutzenkirchen - Knight Moves (Great Stuff) 2006
- Tobias Lutzenkirchen - Crazy Sick and the Slickness (Tabula Raza)
- Tomcraft - Katowice / cold as Chrome (Craft / Kosmo Music)
- John Digweed - Warung Beach (Bedrock)Luetzenkirchen Remix. .
- Meat Katie - Pace (?/UK)Luetzenkirchen Remix. .
- Mike Litt - The Sick and the Beautiful (Tiger Records)
- Tobias Lutzenkirchen - Tabula Raza / Argon (Tabula Raza)
- Fragma - Radio Waves (Lützenkirchen Remix)
- Jerome Ismae - Rock it (Craft Musi / Tomcraft Remix)
- Tape Deck Project (Tribute to...) - Flaggio Pt.1 (Universal) [ ReMiX! ]
- Franke & Neumann - Titan (Craft Music)Tomcraft Remix.
- LK-Pro - Makavelli EP (Mutekki) [released 5/2006]
- Wollion - Monster (BluFin) [released 5/2006]
- Acquaviva & Lützenkirchen - No Fear(BluFin)
- Anaklein - Lena (Brickhouse Records) Lützenkirchen Remix.
- Larry tee ft. Princess Superstar - Licky (Holon)Lützenkirchen Remix.
- Coburn - Give me love (Great Stuff)Luetzenkirchen Remix.
- Bully Boys - Speakerbuster / Taxi Driver (Selected Works) [released 2/2006]
- Electronauts - Evolution / Micro Trash (Blu Fin)
- Tomcraft - Da Disco (Kosmo) [released 2/2006]
- Bloodhound Gang - Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss (Universal) [ Tomcraft Rmx]
- LK-PRO - Romper Stomper EP (Mutekki)
- DJ Rooster & S. Peralta - Shake It (Alphabet City/Juicy) [ ReMiX! ]
- L.Y.T.Z. - Dirty Mind / Get Dirty (BQR) [released 11/2005]
- Bush II Bush - Piano Track (CR2 UK) [ ReMiX! ]
- Strich 8 - Anti Hero (Flicker Rythm) [ ReMiX! ]
- Elektroluxx - Supernatural EP (Selected Works)
- LXR - Elevated / Sunshine! (Blu Fin)
- Acquviva vs. Luetzenkirchen - Zombie (BluFin)
- Theory:Kaos - Electronic Surgery (Kontor) [ ReMiX! ]
- Shameboy - Rechoque (Blu Fin / LXR Remix)
- Mike Litt - Hard Times Pre-Release (Luetzenkirchen Remix)
- Hacienda - Like You (Ministry of Sound GER/Mike Litt Remix
- Tomcraft - Sure Shot (Kosmo) [ ReMiX! ]
- Bully Boys - Posession / Loose Control (Selected Works)
- Lutzenkirchen - Daily Disco (Great Stuff Records) ;))
- LXR - Massive/Passive (BluFin 01) [released 5/2005]
- T. Luxor - 4 Track EP (the music in me) (Tiger Records)
- Luxor & Montana - I feel good / U-Turn (Azoto Music)
- Electroluxx - Droppin Hard / Freak Out (Selected Works)
- Paffendorf - On & On [ ReMiX! ] ( GangGo/Kontor - Discomania DMD / T.Luxor Remix)
- T. Luxor - Dynamic Exotic Erotic EP (G1/Kontor - Discomania)
- Crime Club - The Answer ( tiger02 - Discomania DMD)
- E.Y. - E.Y.
productions and engineering before solo productions (1999-2004) are not completly
listed here.
Most important coproductions and engineering stuff were works for the trance projects
kosmonova, interactive, paffendorf, mythos & watergate and luna park, which mostly
were sales charts records.
Songwriting & (Studio-) vocalist for several projects/jobs including releases on labels
like Coconut/BMG, Blow Up/Intercord, Cauldron and Dos or die.
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